If you are a woman or man who has asked Jesus to be his or her Lord you have been transferred from darkness to light. You feel peace you feel clean! Yeah! I am a born again believer!
But then years go by and you realize that there are those days....Days when not everything is sweet, and you begin to discover your mind, your will and your emotions sometimes feel not so Christian. thoughts come to your mind of how a dream will not ever happen, or your emotions feel hurt when a woman or man of God promise you something but don't follow through. Or you get up in the morning and you don't feel like you want to get up. You are in traffic and someone cuts in front of you. What do you do?
Yes, we have been blood bought by Jesus but we have to deal with thoughts in our minds, feelings that change like the wind, and the willingness to stay disciplined in areas on a daily basis.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:23 the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica:" And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Paul is referring to your soul be preserved blameless
What is the Soul?
The soul is the three-part that combines your mind (intellect) your will (your decision making) and your emotions (what your feelings are). Paul is saying to the church that he prays that these areas are being preserved. Let's start from The very God of Peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, He is our Peace. He can give us Peace in our hearts but we must let Him in. The New Living Translation says it like this:"Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.
How do we let Him sanctify us and make us Holy. Completely! ?
The God of Peace must rule in our souls
We must allow Peace to rule in our minds. How? Remind yourself that when Christ came to live in your heart. Peace came. Your mind has to focus on His Peace. You have the mind of Christ. That thought of torment and that is contrary to who you are in Christ. He took that to the cross, He wore a crown of thorns that bled so much, so those thoughts that are not pure, holy or of good report would not dwell in your mind. You are precious to Him that He took all that, so you can have a peaceful sound mind focusing on good things. Once you have accepted Christ in your heart, what you think then becomes a matter of choice. We must control our thoughts and what we reason., our reasonings must line up to what God thinks. "As He is.. so are WE in this world"
Our mindset must mirror God's. How do we do that? by reading The Bible and meditate on Him. Joshua 1:8 speaks that "This book of the Law shall meditate day and night. Meditate. Hmm....it means Think about it, ponder, Think Deeply about something.
Another scripture is on Philippians 2:5 "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus!" That means that my will is then involved in how I think and what I meditate on but I have to allow it. The scripture says Let. Allow your mind be Christlike.
Doing my own Thing
God has given the human race a powerful tool. The power of choice. From the beginning Adam and Eve had the power to choose. You and I have the tool and it is by choosing!!!! What do I want to think about to day? You have a choice to what to meditate on and requires a willingness and a decision to think! Think what? Observe to do, that means in Joshua 1:8 it says so that you may observe to do! that means choose how to act. The NIV version says .."so we may be careful to do everything in it"
My feelings have a lot to do within the soul realm on how we act. Never trust your emotions they could fail you. We must always line up our emotions with the Word of God. Galatians 5:22 tells us a lot about our emotions....
How? The fruit of the Spirit are...Love, Joy, Peace, kindness, gentleness, meekness, self-control!!! Wow I feel convicted already! How many times have we allowed our emotions to take over instead of our Spirit to bring Peace to our souls.
True Story
There was a time that I had a disagreement with my husband over whether to go to Dallas while I was pregnant. My emotions were screaming at me that I wanted to go. My husband felt in his heart that it was not time to go to Dallas at the time. Boy,I am glad I chose to submit to him on this situation because I ended up in the hospital bedridden because I ended up in early labor. Imagine if I would have followed my feelings, gotten angry and resentful and not do what my husband sensed in his heart.? We would have been stuck in Dallas with an astronomical medical bill and away from home. We must follow wisdom and not just emotion and not allow the soul to play tricks on me.
So next time you allow an emotion, a thought or a choice that is not lining up with God's wisdom and His Word, and your soul tries to play a trick, refuse it and make the choice to follow Peace so you can be sanctified completely Spirit, soul and body, and be preserved blameless...!